Horaantii bishan ayay ahayd markii Xaflad si wayn loo soo agaasimay uuna ka soo Qeyb galay Madaxweyne Ku-Xigeenka Somaliland C/raxmaan Saylici iyo marti sharaf kale laguna soo bandhigayay Waxqabadka shirkadani oo lagu Qabtay Hotel ...
Now it's official, and the band are back with their third album Form, which was produced and recorded by ex-Skeptics member, Nick Roughan in Dunedin's Chicks Hotel. For a limited time and in anticipation for the album, which is due out ...
With example after example of a complient and 'scripted" press coverage leading into the war in Iraq, Bill Moyers takes are nation's supposed fourth bestate/b to task in "Buying the War." This from the PBS Bill Moyers Journal website: ...